Da Ma Cai Results

Damacai Da Ma Cai 1+3D 大馬彩
26-03-2025 (Wed) 5891/25
1st Prize
2nd Prize
3rd Prize
3028 6969 7377
Special 特別獎
8400 8358
6460 7618
2164 2044
4829 5345
5824 4320
Consolation 安慰獎
7244 0459
5675 4494
6979 0942
3667 0077
7048 8876
4D Jackpot 1 Prize 4D Jackpot 2 Prize
3D Jackpot Prize 957,790.20
Next Draw Estimated Amount
4D Jackpot 1 Prize 4D Jackpot 2 Prize
11,005,000.00 100,000.00
3D Jackpot Prize 974,000.00
Damacai Da Ma Cai 3+3D 大馬彩
26-03-2025 (Wed) 5891/25
1st Prize
2nd Prize
3rd Prize
753028 156969 647377
Bonus 1 Bonus 2 Bonus 3
410,000.00 832,611.00 1,901,506.00
Special 特別獎
418400 048358
006460 957618
652164 422044
454829 435345
045824 404320
Consolation 安慰獎
877244 290459
515675 434494
736979 700942
693667 320077
437048 548876

Past Da Ma Cai Results: 23-03-2025 (Sun)

Damacai Da Ma Cai 1+3D 大馬彩
23-03-2025 (Sun) 5890/25
1st Prize
2nd Prize
3rd Prize
7068 4325 2349
Special 特別獎
2290 2496
8875 4908
3511 2968
1542 2016
7598 4388
Consolation 安慰獎
7044 9685
5314 1207
6964 2201
5316 1389
9513 3543
Damacai Da Ma Cai 3+3D 大馬彩
23-03-2025 (Sun) 5890/25
1st Prize
2nd Prize
3rd Prize
617068 874325 132349
Bonus 1 Bonus 2 Bonus 3
410,000.00 832,611.00 1,901,506.00
Special 特別獎
212290 522496
368875 144908
053511 542968
641542 812016
787598 524388
Consolation 安慰獎
657044 889685
095314 531207
396964 052201
125316 571389
639513 053543

Past Da Ma Cai Results: 22-03-2025 (Sat)

Damacai Da Ma Cai 1+3D 大馬彩
22-03-2025 (Sat) 5889/25
1st Prize
2nd Prize
3rd Prize
4474 6770 4770
Special 特別獎
1337 4111
1411 9672
9279 0249
8581 1365
0072 7666
Consolation 安慰獎
5462 2558
5975 2924
9403 7848
9872 5512
2169 1456
Damacai Da Ma Cai 3+3D 大馬彩
22-03-2025 (Sat) 5889/25
1st Prize
2nd Prize
3rd Prize
724474 696770 194770
Bonus 1 Bonus 2 Bonus 3
380,000.00 802,611.00 1,871,506.00
Special 特別獎
881337 634111
551411 699672
359279 260249
848581 021365
980072 977666
Consolation 安慰獎
745462 162558
295975 742924
059403 137848
309872 745512
242169 671456

Da Ma Cai - FAQ

When are Da Ma Cai draw results announced?
Draws are held every Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday, with special draws on Tuesdays as per the Ministry of Finance.

Who can bet on Da Ma Cai games?
You must be at least 21 years old and non-Muslim to bet on Da Ma Cai games.

Where can I buy Da Ma Cai tickets?
You can buy tickets at Da Ma Cai outlets or through the dmcGO App.

Is there a limit on how many tickets I can buy for 1+3D, Super 1+3D, 3D, and 3+3D Bonus games?
You can buy as many tickets as you want, within the sales limits.

Are there limits for 1+3D Jackpot and 3D Jackpot games?
No, you can buy as many tickets as you like for these jackpot games.

Can I buy tickets in advance?
Yes, you can purchase tickets for up to six draws ahead, including the current and five future draws.

How do I claim my winnings?
To claim your prize, bring your winning ticket and your ID card or passport to any Da Ma Cai outlet on the next business day after the draw.

About Da Ma Cai

Pan Malaysian Pools Sdn. Bhd. (PMP) was founded in Malaysia on July 4, 1988, and operates under the Racing (Totalisator Board) Act, 1961. It manages the Numbers Forecast Totalisator business.

On August 9, 2011, Jana Pendidikan Malaysia Sdn Bhd (JPM) acquired PMP. Since then, all net dividends from PMP have been donated to The Community Chest (TCC). This shift has transformed PMP into a social business, supporting TCC to benefit the Malaysian community.

TCC uses PMP’s profits to help non-profit schools and educational institutions lacking sufficient funding. Instead of giving cash directly to schools, TCC volunteers work with school officials and contractors to address urgent needs. They focus on building, repairing, and upgrading school facilities to ensure a safe and effective learning environment.

Since 2011, TCC volunteers have been active with Chinese and Tamil vernacular schools, as well as missionary schools throughout Malaysia. Their work includes repairing roofs, fixing toilets, upgrading buildings, and constructing new facilities such as multi-purpose halls, covered walkways, science labs, and libraries.

For the latest live results, visit the 4D Result 88 website.

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